Biodiversity Project
Large scale restoration and revegetation 

Project Name
Biodiversity Project

Murray Mallee SA

Total area or influence
1000ha revegetation and 500ha vegetation improvement

Time frame
6 years 
(Planning to final implementation)

Project Value
$2.84 million

Funding source
Australian Government



  1. Working with SANTFA (South Australian No Til Farmers Association) identify farmers who wish to improve areas of native vegetation or revegetation in the Murray Mallee.
  2. Assist with farm planning, budget controls and project management the implementation of large-scale revegetation 

Implementation Activities

  • Field days and meetings with large landowners
  • Farm Planning
  • Budget controls
  • Identify technical needs and best revegetation processes for each site
  • Procurement of implementation services delivery
  • Establish monitoring program
  • Evaluate and review
  • Report progress to Funding body