Product Review – Fertiliser Trial

Review and take soil, foliage and root samples for testing

Review and take soil, foliage and root samples for testing

Application - hand spread fertiliser

Application - hand spread fertiliser

A review into a range of new fertilisers focused on increasing soil microbial activity has begun at the Murray Bridge Golf Course (start date 3 Sept 2014).

Many golf course greens are subject root and foliage diseases, as a result, poor root systems reduce uptake of nutrients requiring expensive remedial treatments.

The aim of this trial is to strengthen root systems, reduce chemical applications and save money in the long run.

5 different fertilisers types are being trailed, some specially formulated for golf courses,
developed in Germany and Asia.

Prior to the trial soil tests and root samples have been taken and analysed.

Under trial are

  • Universal Garden Fertiliser 5:3:5 + Sulphur
  • Seed-O-Gran Golf Plus Fertiliser 8:3:5 + Sulphur (Fine Particles)
  • Humates
  • Nutra-smart
  • Seed-O-Gran Plus Turf Fertiliser 8:3:6 + Sulphur

Full range and early results are expected to be posted over the next 4 months.

Thanks to
Malcolm Grundy - Murray Bridge Golf Course superintendant for his assistance and support